Unless otherwise noted, all events take place via Zoom on Fridays from 12-1pm Eastern time.

Register for events (with reminders) at: https://www.eventbrite.com/cc/politics-of-reproduction-speakers-series-2023-24-2651249

For more information or inquiries, contact alana.cattapan@uwaterloo.ca or sign up for updates using the form below.


Check back soon! More events to come in the Fall of 2024!



2 May 2024

Politics of Reproduction (Graduate and Early Career) Workshop

More details here!


5 Apr 2024

Surrogacy Laws in Canada: Intended Parents’ Experiences and Perspectives

Speaker: Stefanie Carsley (University of Ottawa)


The Fireweed Project: Indigenous Peoples and the Right to Abortion in Canada

Speakers: Megan Chaffey (Abortion Support Services Atlantic), Danette Jubinville (ekw’i7tl Indigenous doula collective), Willow Paul (University of Victoria), and Madison Wells (University of Victoria)

1 Mar 2024


2 Feb 2024

Progress and Challenges in Developing an Obstetric Surveillance System in Canada (CanOSS) for Improving Maternal Health Outcomes

Speakers: Dr. Isabelle Malhamé (McGill) and Dr. Rohan D'Souza (McMaster) in conversation with Eleanor McGrath


12 Jan 2024

Endometriosis and Gendered Experiences of Reproductive Healthcare

Speaker: Tracey Lindeman in conversation with Sarah Seabrook

(Link to Tracey Lindeman’s book Bleed: Destroying Myths and Misogyny in Endometriosis Care)


1 Dec 2023

The Disobedient Future of Birth

Speaker: Claire Horn (Dalhousie University)

(Link to Claire Horn’s book Eve: The Disobedient Future of Birth)


3 Nov 2023

Midwifery in the Media: Comparing Cross-National Framing of Midwifery as a Profession

Speaker: Andrea Lawlor (McMaster University)


Politics of Reproduction Virtual Open House

Join us for a causal conversation with the Politics of Reproduction Research Group to connect, generate ideas, and discuss the year to come!

6 Oct 2023


11 May 2023

Politics of Reproduction (Graduate and Early Career) Workshop

For more information and the schedule, please click here.


Natalie Richardson (University of Kent Law School), Elgin Pecjak (University of Ottawa), Zoë Walwyn (Toronto Metropolitan University), and Kathleen Hammond (Toronto Metropolitan University)

Experiences with Egg Freezing: Reporting on Empirical Research

*This event is co-hosted by the Lincoln Alexander School of Law's Research Group on Health Law and Innovation and the Politics of Reproduction Research Group

**This event will run from 12-1:30pm Eastern

31 Mar 2023


3 Mar 2023

Karen Lawford (Queen's University), Holly McKenzie (University of Saskatchewan), Caroline Tait, (University of Saskatchewan)

Continuing Conversations About Indigenous Peoples’ Reproductive (In)Justice(s) and Health


3 Feb 2023

Francesca Scala (Concordia University)

The Politics and Policy of Menstrual Activism in Canada


13 Jan 2023

Vanessa Gruben (University of Ottawa), Kathleen Hammond (Toronto Metropolitan University), and Alana Cattapan (University of Waterloo)

Empirical Research on Assisted Reproduction in Canada


2 Dec 2022

Rishita Nandagiri (Kings College London)

(Re) Conceptualising Abortion Safety: Centring Lived Realities


4 Nov 2022

Erin Heidt-Forsythe (Pennsylvania State University) and Grace Howard (San José State University)

Abortion Politics and the Midterm Elections

*in collaboration with the University of Waterloo Department of Political Science Speakers' Series


7 Oct 2022

Martha Paynter (University of New Brunswick)

Abortion to Abolition: Connecting the Right to Sexual Liberation to Freedom from Incarceration

For updates as they occur, please fill out the form below.